Angeles Crest Highway to Wrightwood
One of the best piece of slab in all SoCal, if not the best: wide, pretty clean ( Caltrans is more often than not moving sand & stones out of the way), long stretched and sweepers, a few hair pin but no biggy, this is a fast road for the fastest and a charming one for those who’d rather cruise ( For us! of course!)
The view of the San Gabriel Mountain range is magnificent. On a clear winter or spring day, we can see Downtown L.A. all the way to the sea. A major forest fire aka the Station fire burnt quite some part of it and burnt trees can still be seen. The natural habitat is home to bears and deers so watch out as a close encounter is always possible.
Wrightwood is the typical SGM snow resort type of community. Very laid back, nice restaurant with their terrace overlooking the mountains and the flow of bikers coming in and out of town to rest or refuel before going back. Very friendly indeed!
From Wrightwood, we go back through the high Plateau of Palmdale a city in the middle of the Mojave desert. Small back roads though will guarantee a nice and peaceful ride back to the Mountains via the Angeles National Forest Rd. This is one of the most outdoor oriented ride. As wild as can be
Duration: 7 hrs. (Including highway commute/stops and lunch)
Mileage: ab. 110 miles/ 220 km
Itinerary Summary
Newcomb’s ranch
Jackson Lake
Angeles National Forest
Availability: Spring, Summer and Autumn